February 21, 2015
NEW TESTAMENT in 2015 with Kids' Church:
We are studying through the Gospel of Matthew in Kids' Church just like we are in our main worship service and that is so exciting. Learn more from the parent resources on how to study Matthew with your children.
by: Erika Jones | Categories: Kids Church Lessons Tags: kid's church, family discipleship, Gospel of Matthew
May 5, 2014
Kid's Church is continuing their survey through the Bible by studying the biblical books of Samuel. The parent resource has discussion questions, passages to read, suggested praise songs along with prayers and actions to practice. You can get a My Bible Survey Binder to store your children's class notes and make it easier to review and study the Bible.
by: Erika Jones | Categories: Kids Church Lessons Tags: kid's church, family discipleship
February 24, 2014
Kid's Church began a study of the Old Testament books of Judges and Ruth this morning. We are excited to offer these resources to parents so families can study through the Bible together.
by: Erika Jones | Categories: Kids Church Lessons Tags: kid's church, My Bible Survey, family discipleship
January 6, 2014
Kid's Church is in year two of our study-though-the-Bible curriculum and we are covering Joshua thro...
by: Erika Jones | Categories: Kids Church Lessons Tags: kid's church, family discipleship, Old Testament, My Bible Survey
December 28, 2013
This time of year many people pause to reflect and set goals for the New Year. This is a great time as a family to review the Bible Survey curriculum we have been studying for family discipleship in 2013. We completed a study of the Pentateuch in Kid's Church and are excited to begin studying the book of Joshua in January. We are encouraging families to study through the rest of the Old Testament together in 2014.
by: Erika Jones | Categories: Kids Church Lessons Tags: kid's church, family discipleship, bible survey
August 5, 2013
Del Rey Parochial Academy enrolls its first student.
by: Erika Jones | Categories: Academic Tags: family discipleship, home-school
July 19, 2013
Kid’s Church is currently working through an 11-week study through the book of Exodus. We are currently in the middle of our Exodus study which is a part of a grander 3-year study through the Bible. Use this outline to guide your family discipleship through Exodus.
by: Erika Jones | Categories: Kids Church Lessons Tags: kid's church, family discipleship, bible survey
May 19, 2013
Parents, here is the Kid's Church Bible Survey lesson for the week
by: Erika Jones | Categories: Kids Church Lessons Tags: kid's church, family discipleship, bible survey