Live in Community
We live in a day and age where people seem to be confused about the practices, structure and importance of the church. Christian nomadism, church hopping, neglect, and broken relationships are legendary in the modern church. People often leave their churches without even notifying the leaders or their brothers and sisters. They just disappear and never return. Sometimes this confusion is seen in the neglect of the discipleship program of the church, and the meetings of the church. Is it that we don’t understand the nature of the church? Is it that we don’t understand Christ’s love for the church or His sacrifice? Is it that our love for Christ is low so our love for the church is low? Is it possible that some even despise the church by their nonchalance?
Ultimately, we are praying for an outpouring of love for the bride of Christ and for faithful obedience to scripture for believers to live in community. If you are reading this webpage and you attend Del Rey Church, we encourage you live in community with the church. Love the church. Christ bled for the sacrificed himself for the church and you should too. If you are not living in community, we would urge you to begin now. Spend some time reading the website and begin speaking with a pastor this week about how you can live in community for the glory of God.