Spread the Word

How does someone find out about our church?  The answer: through you.  At least that should be the answer. Many will find us through the internet, but the power of a personal invitation cannot compare to the impersonal contact of a web search engine.  

The spread of Del Rey Church depends on the people who call Del Rey Church their home and community. We don't want a bunch of attenders at DRC. We want people who will actively be on mission for the gospel, living out their faith in family and community, growing in discipleship and inviting others into our community.  

Think of all the people you know and even the strangers you come into contact with, who you can invite. We encourage you to take the time to write their names down and begin to intentionally pray for them and then begin to actively share the gospel and invite them to church.  


The never-churched
Someone who has never been to church (they may be atheists, agnostics, have been raised by weak Christians or belong to another religion). The never-churched are the ideal people we want to reach out to and show God's love. They are lost and need to hear the gospel.  It's important to make a distinction between the religious and secular lost.  They present different obstacles to outreach and have different hang-ups with the gospel which usually require different sensitivities.

The de-churched
Someone who has stopped going to church for a variety of reasons (usually their own sin and immaturity, but often the sins of a church).

The whack-churched
Someone who goes to a whack church (word-of-faith, TBN style, watered-down megachurch, etc.) that needs to be rescued. We don't want "church-hoppers" from good churches, but we will welcome people from whack churches (crazy doctrines, authority freaks, unchecked sin, weak preaching, etc.) because we believe them to be a part of a larger problem that is weakening the universal church of Jesus Christ.


God has given you a sphere of influence. Use it for His glory. We want to be intentional about reaching all people in our sphere and even expanding that sphere to bridge racial, cultural and economic barriers between people. 

As you consider your sphere of influence, you should think of it in terms of neighborhoods and networks. Networks and neighborhoods are distinct kinds of spheres where you live and where you have a voice. Neighborhoods (or communities) are made by proximity, while networks (contacts) are made by affinity or necessity. Your neighborhood may be Culver City, and within that neighborhood you have a given block, certain schools, supermarkets, etc. And your network may be social media, work, and interests that bridge neighborhoods (e.g. paintball, basketball league, gym, rotary club). In today's context, networks tend to be more important to people, whereas neighborhoods are not the connecting point of relationships they used to be. With that said, as Christians we want to be neighborly minded; after all, we are commanded to love our neighbor. Yet we are also commanded to love the outsider and networks are very powerful for this communication. So we want to invite you to use your networks for spreading the word about what God is doing in our church.    

