College Ministry
At Del Rey Church we have the exciting and rare opportunity to call out, build up, and journey with college-aged believers as they begin to discover who they are, ask important questions, and realize their potential to change the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Del Rey Church has the responsibility and privilege of training this generation to use its time, talents, and treasures to enrich relationship with Christ and His followers as they reach the nations with the good news of the gospel.
We believe the very best way for us as a church to live out the privilege of training this generation is to do just that - train them. While most churches isolate college students into "college ministries" made up of peers and a leader slightly older than them leading the group, we actually see this as a major disservice and problem. The best thing we can do to train this generation is to invite them to grow up and join the church. They're not kids or youth anymore, in need of home rearing or church programming. Instead, the greatest need for this generation is for them to live in community, especially with those outside of their peer group so they can learn from the older saints and pass on to younger saints. Thus, we encourage the college aged to serve in our kids and youth ministries and to also fellowship in our family ministries to live in community with the body of Christ. At the same time, we encourage our college aged saints to band together to reach and bless their college campuses. Hence, we are happy to resource and promote students from our church doing outreach on their campuses, which share the gospel and incorporate college students into the life of the church (as opposed to isolating them into parachurch college groups which are not under the authority of a local church).
When it comes to "college ministry," we want to make very clear that the college-age community is an integral and integrated part of Del Rey Church. We believe life transformation happens in relationship with all generations in the Del Rey Church community—in Sunday worship services, at all-church events, on volunteer teams in all areas of ministry and church-life for the glory of God.