AMG Guatemala
The Organization
AMG Guatemala
Why do we support them?
The Great Commandment and the Great Commission
Matthew 22:37-39, And He said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 28:18-20, And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
The Mission
AMG Guatemala seeks to advance with compassion the command of Christ to evangelize and make disciples around the world through national leaders who are engaged in life-changing transformation in partnership with like-minded Christians. AMG believes that true and lasting transformation requires belief in Jesus Christ, repentance and dependence on Him, and includes compassionate assistance to those in communities in need. AMG envisions a day when everyone on earth will have at least one opportunity to hear and respond to a clear presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and have the opportunity to grow as a disciple of Christ. By embracing God’s Word and working through God’s people, AMG pursues this mission with unity and clarity of expectations, trusting God and building trust among their partners and in one another with excellence in execution. To see this mission accomplished, AMG Guatemala has six main areas of focus.
Education: AMG International Guatemala exists to provide a clear vision of the future for young people with barriers to development, through a network of 28 educational projects serving nearly 8,000 children across the population belt of the country. Either formal education or educational support is provided, depending on local access to schools. In each center children are fed a breakfast and hot lunch, receive education/reinforcement with a Christian worldview and participate in many cultural activities and events that encourage learning. AMG works closely with the Guatemala Ministry of Education and other organizations to be sure their standards are upheld. Adults are also educated through their School for Parents initiative, which focuses on necessary life skills and themes that reinforce the rights of children and healthy families.
Protection: The reality of life in Guatemala reveals an alarming rate of abuse, neglect, abandonment and suffering among a large percentage of children in poverty. AMG is dedicated to rescuing and restoring at-risk children, showing each child that his/her identity is in Christ as a new creation with a priceless value because of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. Through the love of relationships, therapy, and mentoring, they seek to help them break generational sins, spiritual strongholds that seek to enslave and keep them from accepting God’s unconditional love, healing, forgiveness and restoration. They are accomplishing this through their ministry, At Risk No More. It consists of their our passionate staff of professionals, clinicians, and partnerships with churches and other like-minded organizations to bring God’s healing and wholeness to these desperate children. Please visit the At Risk No More website for more information.
Health: For many adults and young people across Guatemala, healthcare is out of reach. AMG operates several medical clinics, 3 dental clinics and a rural hospital to respond to those needs. 2 recuperative nutrition centers take in underweight children and restore them back to health, as well as train their mothers to provide for their nutritional needs. Medical teams visit throughout the year and provide specialized services such as surgery and vision care.
Vocation: AMG operates two small vocational projects to train young people in carpentry, tailoring and baking. Many of these students are able to stay in their communities while earning a living. Scholarships are provided for many students to attend both Intecap and William Cornelius vocational training centers. Students learn to be dental hygienists, chefs, electricians and other important trades.
Relief: When natural disaster strikes, AMG is there to respond across the country through its extensive infrastructure in 30 communities across Guatemala. AMG Guatemala was founded as a result of the relief work following a devastating earthquake in 1976. Guatemala is prone to natural disasters such as tropical storms, flooding, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from 33 volcanoes. Life-giving supplies of food, water and medicines are distributed, as well as temporary shelters for those put out of their homes. AMG has even built an entire community of hundreds of homes for the displaced, and they continue to build homes following disasters to this day.
Sponsorship: Children are able to participate in AMG’s programs thanks to the generous support of individuals and families, sponsoring them and meeting other needs as possible. A sponsor’s $32 per month provides a child with daily food, clothing, medical assistance when possible, education or educational reinforcement, bible education and spiritual formation, an annual week at AMG’s Christian camp, and participation in all of AMG’s activities and events designed to provide them with opportunity.
To learn more about AMG Guatemala, visit them at