
Gospel faith is marked by belief.  A belief is something you take to be true.  A belief is something you have justified reason for thinking is true.  Belief is more than thinking.  It is also trusting.  Belief is propositional (it involves believing certain things) and it is personal (it involves actively trusting).  


As Christians we believe that Jesus has died and rose from the grave to pay for our sins.  Because we believe this, we actively trust Jesus in our faith, which means we live in joyful obedience in response to what He has graciously done for us. 


We understand that the idea of salvation (being saved from the penalty of sin and the fears of death) is something that Jesus gives to us.  Belief itself is a gift from God.  We take no credit for our faith in Jesus.  It really and truly is all His doing and we are so thankful for it.  


As a church, we are all about believing God and the gospel of Jesus, which is basically His offer of Himself to us and what He has done for us.  We believe Him.  We believe what He has done.  And we are not ashamed of it.  We believe Jesus.  To learn more about what the gospel is CLICK HERE.

