Global Missions and Philanthropy
Before our Lord Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave His church a task to do until He returned again: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19). When Jesus said “all nations”, he was not speaking about political countries. The word in Greek translated as "nations" is ethne, from which we derive in English the word ethnic. Very simply put, “all nations” refers to all the distinct people groups of the world. At this point, there are over 6,600 people groups who are classified as unreached with the gospel of Jesus.
In light of these statistics, and in obedience to our Lord, Del Rey Church supports missionaries who are laboring long term to see this mission fulfilled, and to see the unreached people groups of the world become reached with the gospel of Jesus. We also support philanthropic organizations that engage the culture and challenge them with the gospel of Jesus Christ so they can see the world through a biblical lens.
On this page you will find links that will allow you to get to know each of these missionaries and organizations better. It is our desire that you use this information to more effectively pray for and support them. In addition, we hope you will personally be drawn deeper into this task and better understand the central focus it ought to hold in our local church.
Zane Pratt in His book “Introducing Global Missions” challenges us to consider our role in this mission when he says, “. . . We all have a role to play . . . We are all called to global missions if we are recipients of his saving grace . . . What is the level of involvement of your church, your family, or your life?”
We pray that this information will help you get involved in this task as you prayerfully lift up those serving long term.
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