Sunday Worship
Sunday Morning Worship Service... a place that is welcome to all to visit. It is a place where you will find community and an emphasis on the teaching of the word of God in a simple, yet sound, biblical approach. The dress is casual and the atmosphere is intended to reflect real life, with moments of humor, fun, reflection, seriousness, and joy. a place where the church gathers. The church is not a building or an event. The church is a people. On Sundays we happen to gather in a certain place, specifically at 8505 Saran Drive in Playa del Rey. In our buildings there, we have our offices and space for the church to gather for training and corporate worship. Some mistakenly call the building the "church," but the truth is - it is just a building where the church (i.e., the people) gathers for training. (We also gather in other places like homes during the week for fellowship and mission.)
We believe:
#1 Worship of God should be SCRIPTURAL. Therefore: We give a great place to reading and studying the Bible. Everything we do and all that we are is aimed to conform to Scripture.
#2 Worship of God should be CHRISTOLOGICAL. Therefore: We do not assume the gospel; rather, we preach it and speak of it often and partake in communion (aka the Lord's Supper) every Sunday together to display the gospel through the vivid pictures of this special meal, giving thanks to the Father, Son and Spirit for the work of redemption in Christ Jesus.
#3 Worship of God should be INSPIRATIONAL. Therefore: We give a great place to music and singing together in our worship. Our music is a blend of old and new, and we use a variety of instruments to aid us in our praise of God. We aim to sing songs that turn us towards God, are full of theological truth, and exalt Jesus Christ.
#4 Worship of God should be INTELLECTUAL. Therefore: We are not anti-intellectual. Our services are designed with great emphasis upon the life of the mind and teaching of the Word of God in its historical-grammatical context in order that He might instruct us how to live.
#5 Worship of God is MISSIONAL. Therefore: We emphasize equipping the church for witness and applying the Bible to daily life, so we can be joyful and knowledgeable missionaries for God in the world, sharing His gospel truth and loving all people as the supreme manifestation that we have truly been worshipping Him.
We gather on Sundays not to hear a "good sermon" or listen to live Christian music or to offer our kids religious training. May it never be. We gather to worship God together and to be trained for mission. Jesus did not come to die so we could "have church" on Sundays. He came to die to give us life for mission everyday as we worship Him as the true Lord, our supreme treasure, and our greatest joy.