Kids Church: Family Discipleship 2024
Del Rey Families,
Our desire is to encourage and support family discipleship through a study of the Scriptures and catechism. In Kids Church on Sunday morning, children 2yrs old-5th grade study a survey of the Bible, with Generations of Grace curriculum, which follows a 3-year cycle through the historical narrative of scripture. We also use the New City Catechism on Sunday mornings.
We want to encourage families to study through the Bible and the catechism together during the week so that the Sunday gathering reflects and reinforces the discipleship that is taking place in the home. This post will share the information you need to study the lessons and catechism during the week at home with your family.
We will study the New Testament in 2024 with lessons from Matthew's gospel, the book of Acts and Revelation. If you want additional resources for your family discipleship, use this link to purchase the family devotional or other materials for year 3.
It is helpful to reach out to one another and share ideas for how you are using these materials for family discipleship. If you have questions or need support please reach out so we can collaborate. The links below will share the curriculum schedule for the year, links to catechism resources and a summary of the Bible survey lessons for the year.
Soli Deo gloria, Erika @ delreychurch .com
Catechism Resources
Bible Survey Materials
Hymnal Copywork