Got Questions?
The Got Questions website is a wonderful resource for Christians and non-Christians looking for answers about the basic questions of the Christian faith. The website's mission statement reads "Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing Biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually-related questions through an internet presence." The founder and president of Got Questions is S. Michael Houdmann, a graduate of Calvary Theological Seminary. The website is interactive, you can submit a question and receive a response from their volunteer staff. |
Biola’s Unbound Bible Project
The Unbound Bible Project is a free resource offered by scholars from Biola University. This website allows you to read the whole Bible and do in-depth study of it. The website allows you to search and display multiple versions of the Bible, as well as multiple languages at once. The Greek and Hebrew texts offered aren’t the standard critical texts, but there is an option to show them parsed with variants. This is a great resource to use when you are studying the Bible. |
This is one of the very best online resources for free Bible study. Bible.org is a non-profit (501c3) Christian ministry headquartered in Dallas, Texas. In the last decade, Bible.org has grown to serve millions of people and ministries around the world by providing thousands of trustworthy resources for Bible study including the NET translation (New English Translation) of the Bible. The vision & mission of Bible.org is to leverage the power of the Internet to deliver the Word of God and trustworthy Bible study resources to people, churches, and ministries around the world... for free access by all.
This is a wonderful website for Bible readers who want to work with the original languages of the Bible. The website offers a free interlinear, which places the English next to the Greek and Hebrew. It is free, fast, and easy to use. I recommend using the PDF format. Just click on the Hebrew Old Testament or Greek New Testament and then click on the passage you want to study. Before your eyes you will see a world where the language barrier of translation begins to narrow. |
Monergism.com is an incredible website! It is well of deep wisdom. On the site you will find excellent resources of mostly Reformed theological writings with a mix of classic public domain texts in HTML as well as current articles. While our eschatology and ecclesiology differs considerably from the typical Reformed camp (we are not preterists, paedobaptists, theonomists, covenantalists, etc.), their work on Trinitarianism, Christology, and Soteriology is absolutely magnificent. No one understands the doctrines of grace like the Reformed camp does, so we encourage you to enjoy the free articles and MP3s. |
Desiring God
Desiringgod.com is a ministry led by Pastor John Piper of Bethlehem Baptist Church. Most of the resources on this website are the works of Dr. Piper, a great Reformed and Baptist theologian, who is known for his writings and lectures. This website is full of free articles and audios that are unbelievably insightful. There are resources on this website you can purchase as well. Dr. Piper has authored many excellent books worth buying. If you have not sat under Dr. Piper's teaching you are missing out. |
PluggedIn is a Focus on the Family publication designed to help equip parents, youth leaders, ministers, and teens with the essential tools that will enable them to understand, navigate, and impact the culture in which they live. Entertainment is a potent influence on our culture for both good and evil. PluggedIn offers reviews of movies, TV shows and more goodies to help anyone interested in youth culture. The Bible tells us in Colossians 2:8 "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." The PluggedIn website helps young people do just that. It's a fact that Hollywood is targeting our kids; they need help learning discernment and how to process things from a Christian worldview. |
CARM (Christian Apologetics Research Ministry)
CARM stands for the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry. It is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that exists to equip Christians and refute error. Christianity is under attack all over the world and we need to articulate our faith intelligently and biblically. To this end, CARM offers a concise, comprehensive explanation of the Christian faith along with logical analysis of errors in popular beliefs. It is easy to use, written for the layman, and covers a huge range of topics. Check it out. |
Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
The Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) is a refreshing cup of water to the starved culture and church of our day. The Bible's message of manhood and womanhood has been under attack by the culture for centuries. In the modern era with the power of radical feminism, this attack has managed to invade the church. The CBMW assembled in 1987 to offer a scholarly and pastoral response to the influence of feminism in our culture and sadly in our evangelical churches. Check out the website and enjoy the massive amounts of literature, especially the free PDF books. |
Stand to Reason
Stand to Reason (STR) is a one-of-a-kind ministry that equips Christians with knowledge, wisdom, and character. STR was founded by apologist Greg Koukl, who was trained at APU, Simon Greenleaf, and Talbot School of Theology. Greg and the STR crew work tirelessly to train Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square. The STR website is loaded with free articles that are critical for serious Christians to read and learn to articulate with others. We highly recommend spending some money on the ABC curriculum, too. |
DA Carson MP3s
DA Carson is an international scholar of the Bible and a research professor of the New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He studied for his doctorate at the University of Cambridge and has published a massive amount of books and articles. Carson has an amazing mind, he is incredibly well-read, and he is truly a compelling communicator. This link will take you to his free online lectures that are posted on the blog of Carson's understudy, Dr. Naselli, whose blog is quite popular and very resourceful as well. |
Bible Bulletin Board
The Bible Bulletin Board (BBB) is a wonderful website packed with solid biblical truth for Christians interested in going deeper in the faith. Every article and sermon that is posted is carefully scrutinized to ensure that it conforms to a conservative evangelical view of the Bible (the true view). The contents of the website largely center on the work of pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California. BBB is managed by Tony Capoccia, a graduate of Talbot School of Theology. Capoccia explains his heart's passion, "The single aim of Bible Bulletin Board is to be a help and a catalyst to the local church, and thereby bring glory and honor to Our Sweet, most Wonderful Savior Jesus Christ!" |
Not For Sale Campaign
27 Million people are enslaved today. The Not For Sale is a campaign of students, entrepreneurs, artists, people of faith, athletes, law enforcement officers, politicians, social workers, skilled professionals, and all justice seekers, united to fight the global slave trade. This is a serious issue that calls for the attention of the church -- God's voice for justice in the world. Not For Sale aims to educate and mobilize an international abolitionist movement through the innovation and implementation of open-source activism. Inside the United States, the campaign identifies trafficking rings and collaborates with local law enforcement and community groups to shut them down and provide support for the victims. Internationally, the campaign partners with poorly-resourced abolitionist groups to enhance their capacity. Every single person has a skill that they can give to free an individual living in bondage. |
Watchman Fellowship
Watchman Fellowship (WF) is an independent Christian research and apologetics ministry focusing on new religious movements, cults, the occult, and the New Age. WF was founded by David Henke and it serves the Christian and secular community as a resource for education, counseling, and non-coercive intervention and evangelism training. This web site is a great resource to help expose how cults will use deception, control, cover up, and dishonesty with their own members and the people they are trying to convert. This deception includes some or all of the following: the group's history, false prophesy, false scholarship, a distortion of true church history and doctrine, and destructive practices of the group. Check out the sight and learn more about the cults that attack our faith. |
Ankerberg Theological Research Institute (ATRI)
John Ankerberg is the founder of this website, the Ankerberg Theological Research Institute (ATRI). He is also the host of a Christian talk-show, the Ankerberg Show, that is nationally syndicated in 50 states and 200 countries. Ankerberg is well-studied. He holds a Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and a doctorate from Luther Rice Seminary. In addition to his talk-show, Ankerberg has authored or co-authored 87 books. The ATRI website is stocked with many great resources, especially the section "2,000 Articles" with wonderful free writings by various Christian authors. We encourage you to spend time reading these articles and learning from these great evangelical minds. |
Apologetics.com is a great ministry that seeks to remove intellectual impediments to Christian faith, thereby enhancing believers' confidence in, and weakening skeptics' objections to, the gospel message. Their vision statement reads as follows, "Apologetics.com aspires to provide first-rate Christian apologetics resources and training to the public through our website, radio broadcasts, publications, and related activities." The Apologetics.com website is chock full of articles and audios that are free. We encourage you to spend time listening to these resources and getting familiar with the content so you can share your faith more effectively in the public square. Apologetics.com seeks to provide the best answers to the most challenging objections to Christian faith in a manner that is most effective with inquirers and most glorifying to God. |
Eternal Perspectives Ministries
Eternal Perspectives Ministries (EPM) is an amazing nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching biblical truth and drawing attention to the needy and how to help them. Randy Alcorn is the founder and director of EPM and his passion for Christ comes through everything EPM does. He is a prolific and profound author and speaker. Alcorn studied theology at Multnomah Bible College and Western Seminary. EPM exists to meet the needs of the unreached, unfed, unborn, uneducated, un-reconciled, and unsupported people around the world. This goal is carried out through Randy's books, articles, newsletters, E-News Updates, interviews, blogs, and the EPM website, as well as a limited number of speaking engagements. The common element in all of Eternal Perspective Ministries writing and teaching ministry is an emphasis on seeing life through the eyes of eternity, and thereby learning to live now to the glory of God. |
Life Training Institute
Life Training Institute (LTI) is a ministry that is literally saving countless lives. LTI trains pro-life advocates to persuasively defend their views in the marketplace of ideas. This is accomplished by clearly presenting the pro-life position in schools, colleges, churches, media venues, and pregnancy center sponsored events. The LTI message is focused on the humanity of the unborn, expressed in one question: What is it? Is the unborn a member of the human family? Scientific evidence supports our position that life begins at conception. The philosophical argument is also made that no essential difference exists between human life before or after birth. The logical fallacies of pro-choice rhetoric are exposed in the light of reason. We encourage you to spend time reading the articles on this website, so that you can be an effective voice for life. |
Setting Captives Free
This is an excellent website to help those who need to find freedom from addiction. Here you will find a free internet course that will help you conquer the enslavement of habitual sin. Don't hesitate, enroll today! All courses are free of charge. The courses focus on Jesus Christ and the Bible. Founder and President, Mike Cleveland, was captive to habitual sins for many years. He finally began to seek help and learned the biblical solution to his sin problem: repentance, forgiveness, and the newness of life that comes through the gospel. Mike has worked over the years to develop resources to help lead people in deliverance from the bondage of sin. This website has wonderful resources for those struggling with alcoholism, drug addiction, weight management, sexual impurities, pornography, and more. Countless lives have been changed through this ministry. We encourage all people wrestling with addiction to sign up for one of these courses |
Academy of Christian Apologetics
The Academy of Christian Apologetics is a ministry to the body of Christ whose goal is to provide each and every Christian with the materials needed to learn how to articulate and defend their faith in a way that stands up to intellectual criticism. There are many facets to the discipline of Christian apologetics. This site is a collection of resources which reflects this diversity. These materials are meant to give a well-rounded view of some of the finest resources available. We encourage you to listen to the audio messages on the website and read the articles as well. The Academy of Christian Apologetics website exists as a resource that is of great quality. The Academy was once a school for teaching apologetics but has ceased offering classes and is no longer an organization, though the website remains simply as a resource - use it! |
Caring.com - A Guide for Christian Senior Living Caring.com is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. They have published a useful guide to senior living for Christians. |