Zoom Class on Bible & Homosexuality
Del Rey Church,
We have been invited to an exciting online class on the Bible and Homosexuality taking place on Tuesday or Thursday nights (Aug. 25/27 thru Dec. 1/3) on Zoom this fall. If you or anyone you know from another church might be interested, please send them this invitation.
The class will be a college level course taught by a professor at Houston Baptist University (HBU), Dr. Robert A.J. Gagnon. HBU has graciously opened the class to people who are not enrolled at their college and made it available online for only $300 ($280 if you register before Fall session starts on Aug. 24). That said, if you are a college student and you want to take it for credit that can be arranged too if you contact HBU directly.
I think this is a very important topic for our church to understand given the times we live in, so I hope we will get a good size group to audit the class. Dr. Gagnon will teach live on Tuesday nights 6:30-9 PM (Central Standard Time) and will be repeating his lesson on Thursday nights at the same time for those who can't do Tuesdays.
Dr. Gagnon may very well be the leading Evangelical scholar on the topic of the Bible and Homosexuality. I'm not alone in saying this. Dr. Albert Mohler (president of Southern Seminary) has also said, "Robert Gagnon has established himself as the leading scholarly defender of the church's historic understanding of homosexuality as revealed in the Bible.” As well, Dr. Robert George (professor at Princeton University) also believes, "No one knows the subject better than Professor Gagnon. I myself have learned much from his writings. I recommend this course to Christians of all traditions.”
To register for this online class, go to https://hbu.edu/school-of-christian-thought/auditors-surveyors/ and scroll down to "Fall 2020 Offerings (HBU Campus)" and click "Register Now- Fall 2020 HBU." You fill out the form with your info, indicate you want to take "CHRI 6340 The Bible & Homosexuality," and pay online. If you have to miss classes, you will have the opportunity to watch a video of each class that you miss for the duration of the course.
Dr. Gagnon tells me that the class is an ideal course for any pastors, priests, elders, staff in para-church ministry, church lay persons, professionals, professors, counselors, and Christian college or graduate students who are interested in learning how to make a defense of the historic Christian position on an issue that will be at the center of church deliberation for decades to come. There are no perquisites for becoming a surveyor. This is not a sectarian course but is taught within the broad stream of Christian thought. Protestants of all denominations, Catholics, and Orthodox persons are all welcome, as are persons of other faiths interested in what the Judeo-Christian Scriptures contribute to this issue.
Here's a look at the course description Dr. Gagnon sent me:
"CHRI 6340 The Bible & Homosexuality"
A defense of the historic (biblical) position prohibiting homosexual relationships, the most controversial issue facing the church in the last half century. The majority of the course will focus on the biblical evidence, examining the relevant texts in Scripture both in their historical context and in their application for the present day. The “Christian” case for approving committed homosexual relationships will be carefully critiqued, including arguments made by William Loader, James Brownson, and Matthew Vines, among others. Some attention will also be given to a philosophical nature argument, science, politics, and the related issue of transgenderism. No prerequisites.
Expectations of surveyors:
There are no prerequisites for the course. Surveyors will be given an opportunity to ask questions but are not required to participate. Although surveyors will have the option to do selected readings, there will be no required readings for surveyors. A surveyor can do any, all, or none of the readings and attend any, all, or none of the sessions. If you miss classes, you will have the opportunity to watch a video of each class that you miss for the duration of the course.
An added bonus is that Dr. Michelle Cretella (a vocal critic of transgender surgery for adolescents), David Pickup (reparative therapist), and Walt Heyer (former transgender person) will each be giving a presentation each via Zoom toward the end of the course.
As you can see from the course description, this is going to be a wonderful opportunity to learn about biblical ethics and sexuality. Again, I hope we get a good sized group from our church to attend online and get equipped to share your learning with our church to strengthen us a congregation as we together bear witness of the good news of Jesus Christ.
In Christ,
Pastor Matt